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Southern Flower Time

Down here in Florida, this the time of year when flower beds are getting a punch of color, container gardens are getting spruced up and folks are enjoying time outside.


The heat of the summer is gone and the humidity is at a manageable level. Evenings are cool and the flowers love it. While our family and friends up north are pulling out their flowers, raking leaves/shoveling snow (poor souls!), we are basking in 70-80 degree weather.46795772_s

Copyright: <a href=’’>famveldman / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Mums and Pansy’s can be used in the flower mixtures down here now, but remember Mums have a short life span and the Pansy flowers will not enjoy the weather when it works it’s way up to 80.


Enjoy those traditional flower selections such as Geraniums, Impatiens, Salvia, Marigolds;  all our favorites from up north. But don’t be afraid to mix in a taste of the south. Hibiscus, Bromeliads, Bird of Paradise , Orchids. These are all excellent flowering plants that will add a exotic feel to your plantings. Using them in the proper location and mixtures will help ensure their proper growth.


Don’t be afraid to experiment with your plant mixtures. After all, having fun in the garden is what it’s all about.